Debating Between Garage Door Repair And Replacement? Three Important Questions You Should Ask Yourself

19 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog


If you encounter a problem with an older garage door, you may find yourself wondering whether it is worth paying to repair the problem or whether you should use the money and invest in a new garage door. While there is no easy answer to this question, taking the time to ask yourself and a garage door repair company some key questions can help you to determine which course of action may be the best fit for your situation. Here are a few of the key questions that you should consider as you debate between having garage door repairs completed or having a new garage door installed. 

What is the Cost to Repair Versus the Cost to Replace? 

One of the first factors that you should consider is how much it will cost to replace the problems with your garage door versus how much it will cost to replace the garage door. Some repairs can be pricey, especially if you have an older garage door and parts are in limited supply. A garage door repair and installation company can take a look at your garage door and provide you with an estimate to repair the door and an estimate to replace the door. This allows you to get a feel for the price range you are looking at for both options. 

How Old is the Existing Garage Door and How Much Life Does It Have?

Garage doors can last for about 30 years when they are properly cared for and maintained. If your garage door is nearing the end of its lifespan, it may not make sense to repair the door, as you will have to replace the door soon enough. However, if your door is only 10 years old, it may make more sense to complete repairs, as your door still has a lot of life left in it. 

Are There Any Additional Issues With Your Garage Door? 

The final factor you should consider is what condition your garage door is in and whether there are additional issues. For example, your torsion spring may need repair at this time, but if your garage door is rusted or the tracks are bent, these issues will also need to be addressed soon enough. If your door has numerous issues or is in poor condition, replacing a door may be the better option. 

Newer garage doors have more insulation and more color and design choices than older doors. As such, you may also consider how hot or cold it is if you are in your garage frequently or whether your garage door is adding to the curb appeal of your home. If your old garage door is in need of repairs, you may have decided that installing a new garage door makes more sense compared to paying for repairs. Contact a company that offers garage door installation today to learn more about what garage door options are available to you or to schedule an appointment to have your new garage door installed.